Interested in being a Westminster Student Dramaturg?

The duties are:

  • We’ll have a kickoff meeting as we approach the show to talk through assignments and dates.
  • Meet with the director to talk through their concept and how we can assist
  • Build a digital dramaturgy packet for the production with dramaturgical information including terms, concepts, etc.
  • Attend first rehearsal to present (up to the director)
  • Attend Production Meetings (Friday Mornings) when available
  • Investigate appropriate community outreach opportunities
  • Write a Dramaturg’s Note for the program (400-500 words).
  • Lobby Display if appropriate and you’re interested
  • Lead 1 talkback with director and cast, with an optional panel discussion if warranted and the schedule allows.

I’ll be mentoring and assisting throughout the process, and it’s a great way to see another side of the production process and a great thing to have on the resume!

This can be taken for credit as THTR 328 Theatre Workshop